Zen Recording Services, LLC.
Studio Rate Card
There is a 3-hour minimum booking for recording sessions. A deposit of $150 is required for sessions longer than 5 hours.
Cash Discount negotiable upon booking.
Deliverables and consolidating files after your session date is billable time in blocks of 30 and 60minutes
day rates and lockouts are available for purchase on sessions booked 72hours in advance
Studio A Main Room $100/Hr after 5 hours purchased for a day studio rate goes down to $85/Hr
Presale Payment of Studio time is available for a discount of $90/Hr for studio A. Purchasing 5 hours or more in studio time for a single session knocks the rate to $85/Hr.
Studio B Mixing and vocal dubbing/fixes with your microphone of choice $75 an Hour.
After booking 5 or more hours for the day the rate goes to $65 an Hour.
Revision Policy you are allowed 2 mix revisions within 15days this applies to any official bounces and demos. Adding any Recorded material to mixes such as editing after the revision period will be billable time.
Mastering services are based on a per track basis $100 for a digital remaster using all the favorite mastering software wavelab/fabfilter/chandler/manley/uad software.
Analog Mastering $160 for an analog da-ad transfer for analog mastering or a summing transfer with the shadow hills equinox and mastering comp. which can also pass your masters to tape using the otari mtr12 1/4 or the ampex atr102 1/4 and 1/2 machine. Analog tape for masters is not included and is a billable itemization for tape pricing check bellow. If your choose to bring your own tape to the studio we recommend a +9db formulation such as ampex 499 or my personal favorite quantegy gp9. For a quarter inch replacement to sticky shedding formulations of ampex 456 we recommend the use of atr magnetics tape.
Tape Transfer pricing goes up depending up the track width - deliverables are delivered via a hard drive or cloud service. Your multitracks-2mixes will be delivered via high quality wav files via email or delivered via a protools session. If consolidation is required for daws other than protools then 30 minutes of studio time will be added to the bill. The average tape transfer takes 1-2hrs. If a tape required baking due to sticky shed it goes through a 48-72 hour baking and cooling period in my care included with the tape transfer.
Its hard to tell how long a tape will hold up after baking and transferring it. Often times the condition and area the tape was stored is a huge factor. Baking a tape can salvage it for digitizing. But often times the Ampex 456 tape will fall apart a couple months after a rebake depending on its moisture content and how it well it cooled down initially.
The best formulas for your reference to transfer tend to be analog tape from brands like Scotch/Quantegy/Rmgi international/formulas like ampex 499 are usually good to go for multitracks and 2mixes but there is an occasional bake needed for it. Rarely is 456 good to transfer immediately without a bake but i’ve had my luck in regards to this. If a bake cycle is needed on a tape my turnaround time for your deliverables increases please allow 2-3weeks for a successful transfer cycle. Due to backlog.
A bake cycle for ampex 456 tape formulation is usually required.
$75 per a 1/4 tape
$90 per a 1/2 inch analog recording tape
$120 per a 1inch analog recording tape
$150 per 2” 16track/24 track analog recording Tape.
Analog tape recorders availble at the studio.
Ampex Atr102 Mastering Deck 1/4” and 1/2” 2 track
Ampex 440c 4track 1/2” inch
Ampex mm1200 2” 16 track
Otari Mtr90II 2” 24 track
Otari Mtr12II Mastering Deck 1/4” 2 track
Tascam atr60 1” 16 track
Tascam 38 1/2” 8 track
An extensive amount of Dsp and Analog outboard gear is available see the equipment page for more detail.
24-hour sessions/Block rates allow you to leave your stuff set up and guarantees back-to-back recording days.
The studio is not responsible for any damage to equipment left at the studio but we take great care and caution with other peoples equipment
Tape Materials Pricing/estimate
Tape materials that clients wish to keep must be purchased by the client for use ahead of the session any tape procured by the studio will carry a 20% materials fee on top of the invoice of sale.
Master tapes can be stored in the studio’s off-location tape vault or taken home by the client after the session is paid in full.
Quality Tape Materials are getting harder to come by and prices can fluctuate here is a list of estimates from online tape sellers depending on the size. Depending on my current stock I might be able to sell you tape.
Ampex 456 ¼” 60$ 2500ft
Ampex 456” ½” 100$ 2500ft
Ampex 456 1” 140$ 2500ft
Ampex 456 2” 200$ 2500ft
3m 1” 100$ new
3m ½” 80$ new
Quantegy gp9 ¼” 120$-140$ new or 1pass 95$
Quantegy gp9 ½” 150-200$
Quantegy 499 ¼” 70-90$
Quantegy 499 ½” 120-140$
Quantegy 463 ¼” 40-80$
Atr ¼” 85$ new with Flange 45-60$ for pancake
Atr ½” 140$ new
Atr 1” 180$ new
Ampex Atr102 mastering two track uses Quantegy 499 or gp9, 456 and atr tape
Otari mtr90II 24track uses Quantegy 499 or g9,456 grandmaster
Otari Mtr12 mastering two track uses only 1/4” gp9.499.456
Ampex 440c 4track uses only 1/2” 456 tape
Ampex mm1200 16track 2” uses Ampex456 or Quantegy 456/499/gp9/atr magnetics
Electrosound/ampex 440 two track only uses 1/4” 456tapes
Tascam 38 uses 1/2”quantegy 456,499,gp9,atr tape
Tascam atr60 uses 1” Basf or Quantegy/ampex 456/499
The studio has many instruments which are available for rental upon request during your recording session; these are one-time rental fees per day of the session and pretty much cover the maintenance and setup time for the instruments.
Wurlitzer 145B 20$ session
Wurlitzer 200A 30$ session
Rhodes 73 with Janus system - 40$
Hammond B3 with trek system and Leslie 145 - 50$
Nord lead A1 - free
Korg triton - free
Yamaha dx7 - free
Yamaha dx7 grey matter response E! Mod - free
Emu 6400 ultra emulator sampler - free
Akai s6000 sampler - free
Casio fz-10 sampler - free
Roland mks20 digital piano - free
Drums sets which are available upon request, please give plenty of notice if a swap-out is needed
Vintage 5-piece Black Yamaha recording custom with 22” kick (Steve Gadd/Jeff Porcarro played)
Spaun 5-piece Custom blue kit with 22” kick (The famous Zen Rock kit)
Dw 5 piece Black Drum set two-floor toms one rack tom/snare. (used on tour with lil peep.)
Vintage Slingerland 3-piece jazz kit
Several boutique Guitar Amps are available upon request all amp rentals are 40$ for the day
Rivera Quiyana 60 watt 2x12 custom
Bogner Alchemist
Mesa Road King II 100watt custom el34 and 6l6 tube amp basically a quad rectified
Marshall jcm2000 100watt combo
Laub Manufacturing 1950s unique amplifier (used for keyboards and old spring sound, has optical vibrato)
Fender 1960s Dual showman/twin reverb 1x12 EV 2x15 JBL speakers
Fender 1965 Bassman 2x12 and 2x15 JBL speakers
Fender tweed blues 2x12
Fender 60watt Blues Deluxe 2x12
Fender 60watt Blues Deville 4x10
Carvin v3 100 watt Modern tube amp. (full stack el34 tubes 4x12 slant 4x12 straight celestions)
Vintage Roland Jc120 jazz chorus 2x12 (used on Roger McGuinns solo 90s tours)